Monday, 13 February 2012

Just send me to the work house!

So after huge surge in readership of this blog I took a few days off from writing about my life and actually got down to trying to sort it out, first stop was to see my Mums local Councillor to get some advice on my housing position, turns out in this country being homeless DOESN'T get you a home, now this isn't a political rant, or a whinge on how unfair things really are, its a simple fact that I have a 2 year old and I'm being evicted, now there is not much I can do, however frustrating that may be, I have no hidden trust fund, or second home I can fall back on, and my choices are clear cut, a hostel, private rental or move out of London.  There are no council homes in Camden, there are no private rental in Camden, and there are limited hostels in Camden, and I have to draw the conclusion that my precarious situation is down to a total abandonment of people in need of social support. The housing benefit cap now means that most boroughs in London landlords no longer make any money from taking DSS, for example the rent cap for Harringey is now £60-£70 per week lower the the average rent, so why would landlords reduce their rent when they can get working professionals to pay over the odds? I understand it, in fact if I was a landlord, Id do exactly the same. But where does it leave me? for now it looks like moving out of London is the best option for my son, a life in a hostel or moving from rental to rental is not a life I want to give to him. I will carry on annoying the council, but until there is a massive investment in social housing, and a limit on developers buying land just to make a quick buck then I'm afraid I'm probably the start of a mass exodus from London.


  1. Thats really tough Sinead. What a bummer. Hope something comes up for you soon.

  2. thank you, its tough, but its not just me, there are god knows how many people stuck in the same situation.
