Saturday, 25 February 2012

its just me,me and more me!

So its been a bit of a lack luster week for me, lots of procrastinating, not a lot of productivity, well the sun was out, so what else could I do but go and feed the ducks...
So for a long while Iv wanted to start my own business, I have dabbled in making bits and bobs, cushions, soft toys,baby blankets and whatever else takes my fancy and Iv thought Id turn it into a proper income, however, there is a huge barrier, as soon as I declare myself a business a few things then happen, firstly I have to make enough money to cover what I lose from income support, and secondly, I had better be in accommodation I can afford...which could stretch to a garden shed right now! its a horrible thing being stuck at home, I use to think if you didn't work you must be ill or lazy, now I know its because your stuck, damned if you do and damned if you don't, the problem (the way I see it) seems to be that the powers that be have no real idea of what its like to live in poverty, the massive risks you face in terms of employ ability, housing and having a family, its a horrendous trap, and not many routes out short of winning the lotto or finding a job what fits round childcare and pays for everything. I know that's how most people live, its how I use to live and would like to return to paying my way, but I doubt there is anyone in government who has been on the dole, or raised kids in a hostel, or even just lost a job and had no money for rent. So from now on its all about me, I'm going to learn how to run a business, make up a load of products, test the water and watch it all take off and drag me out of this. plus there will be no more rants on howe unfair everything this space!

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