Sunday, 1 July 2012

the past week.....

Firstly a big thank you to all the new readers,Iv seen a big jump in views to my blog the past few weeks, so thats fantastic!
Iv had a few crazy days in the past week, toilet training my son and enrolling him in nursery would be top of the list! both where stressful but in the end it seems to work out, and yesterday I had what can only be described as an 'eventful' craft fair....I should have realised when we were given open air stalls on the top of a hill that this would be a challenge, or when I noticed the person next to me was flogging second hand toys for £1 that maybe this one would be a little different to my usual fair and I might have to work a damn sight harder for a really started getting a bit stressful when a gale force hurricane dropped by while I was setting up and whipped half my stock away! then proceeded to do so every few minutes for the rest of the day, or the fact that despite the wind i managed to get incredibley sunburnt and am slowing turning a lovely shade of beetroot....despite all this and more I had a a good time, and knowing me i would do it all again, now its a small breakfrom crafting elephants and owls and knuckling down to finish my quilt.....

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