Monday, 16 July 2012


Well Good afternoon to a soggy and miserable me! I'm typically British when it comes to the weather and seem to mention it every 5mins at the moment, but seriously, its JULY! we get 3 months if we are really really lucky to wear summer clothes, I have a cupboard FULL of maxi dresses, blouses, Capri pants and several pairs of flip flops and sandals, yet today I realised I was wearing my winter jacket!!enough all ready, mother nature I promise I will never ever pay attention to a hose pipe ban again!
So anyways, back to blogging, Iv been pretty slack to say the least, and find I read more blogs then write here's a few little things to pass the time until I can really showcase some new stuff..

Iv become a bit of a pattern freak, all this talk of quilting and I seem to always be able to convince myself into buying yet more fabric, however, this time I swear I will make good use of it, so Iv started on one baby Ellie and playing around with a soft toy owl too, as you can probably tell my photography skills are severally lacking, that's what you get for leaving you camera charger in China and trying to make do with your phones camera! hopefully by next week I will be back to taking terrible pictures with a normal camera instead. ;-)  

also, I have decided since I'm reading a whole library's worth of craft books I thought I would list the ones I really love every here's the first batch.....

1. Everything Alice

2. The Busy Girls Guide to sewing

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