Friday, 14 September 2012

From now till Christmas.....

So, it look like I wont be seeing much day light between now and Christmas, I'm suddenly very very very busy! (I'm not complaining) but true to form I am yet again chasing deadline rather then kicking back and relaxing safe in the knowledge I'm ahead! My son starting nursery was meant to be an opportunity for me to have some office hours, where I could dive in to a pile of fabric for a few hours and be productive, instead I have watched many episodes of 'Teen Mom' on MTV (something I have never even watched before) and clock watched until I have to pick him up, not only am I now looking at a fabric explosion in my craft corner, BUT I am also fully booked up until Christmas with Craft fairs AND stocking for retailers, not to mention my stupidly ambitious idea of trying to pitch at a baby trade show next spring....I am a one woman sweat shop.So If I suvive the next few weeks....

You can catch me selling my hard made wares at the following events.....

OCT 6th
NOV 3rd
DEC 1st!/pages/Vintage-Tea-Party-and-Gift-Fair-first-Saturday-of-every-month/188067171224344

OCT 28th
(possibley more to follow)

AND you can BUY my stock from October onwards at in ST ALBANS at.....!/RaindropsOnRosesStAlbans

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