Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Hi there,

So there has been a few changes in the world of Just Sinead, first and foremost I have been super busy designing my Winter range and also stream lining the products I want to sell, the direction I want to take my business and how I can fit it all around my 'proper job' of full time parent! phew! So.... firstly the name, 'Just Sinead'. when I first decided to plunge into the world of craft fairs I totally over looked the fact that I would need a name! it was only when I was asked what I was called that I realised I wasn't really going to sell anything buy shrugging and saying 'oh its just some stuff I knocked up in my spare time' so I literally ran every name I liked into my computer to see if it already existed and yep turns out pretty much everything I liked was already out there somewhere doing business! damn them! So Just Sinead was born out of desperation and too much coffee... but now I'm more confident, I know where I want to take my 'Brand' I have to look at what will work long term, so once I have my website up and running the new trading name (which I have already let slip on facebook, will be unveiled) There also fantastic news on the horizon, in the shape of expanding where you can buy my products, having settled on focusing on children's apparel and decor for kids rooms I am able to set in motion being STOCKED in several retailers! its all hush hush right now...but there will be news soon on the wheres and whens....I'm beyond excited. I already have one amazing baby in the shape of my son, but this tiny business, that has kept me sane through the craziness of parenthood, unemployment, moving and generally having to be a grown up is blossoming into something I'm  excited to be all I need is an assistant who would work for biscuits and cuppas!

S xx

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