So, its been a week off from sewing duty for me, and week of house hunting stress instead,
I desperately want to avoid staying in private rental and ever since I was given my section 21 notice Iv been looking at every angle, can I work and cover the rent of a flat in London?, can I work and cover child care costs AND rent in London?, can I work, cover childcare, pay rent AND feed my child?...that would still be a NO, so wheres the incentive to work? mine comes from always paying my way.
From 16 I worked, I studied my Spanish GCSE's over a sink of washing up in my local pub, Iv worked long hours in bars for less then minimum wage, Iv put up with dictatorial bosses and crazy colleagues, and that's a part of working life, you deal with the crap because you have to, and with work does come freedom, and motivation to keep working, like being able to buy yourself new clothes with out feeling guilty that that money should be going on savings, or bills, it means you can plan for a future, for holidays, treats for your child. it means being spoken to like a human being, that peoples perception of you doesn't change when you are asked what you do for a living.
Living on benefits is not a career choice, it strips away the simple pleasures of life and makes everything a task. the craziest thing about the benefit system is that it is designed to keep you in it. I could save, I really could live on the bread line and save, but if I hit £6k I LOOSE my benefits, whats £6k to most people a nice little nest egg?a car? but to a benefit claimant that is 'proof' you have too much money, how on earth can people climb out of a system that gives them so little, when hard work and perseverance is not rewarded. Im lucky, I have family, friends and a wonderful support network, I have people who want to help me and I also have comparisons I can make, work did pay for me, I liked getting up, I liked earning that money, did I like everything about work, hell no, but I was independent, and could pick and choose how I spent or saved my money. So Im quitting the system, Im not saying how, because nothing is set in stone, but I refuse to be dictated to by a man in a suit (that's too big for him) in a job centre where people dont know your name, your history or your circumstances about how I should live my life, and this is why....
When I was pregnant I had to be on job seekers allowance, I played by the rules, applied for 6 jobs a week, all the while my bump was growing by the day and the looks where getting more sympathetic and less interested in my skills, and at 7 months pregnant, swollen footed whale that I was, I waddled to the job centre and was told I had a job interview, fan-bloody-tastic, I needed money, I was bored, what could this job be?? full time cocktail waitress 9pm-3am..... and from that moment on I realised no one gives a shit about you in the job centre, in the government, or in society and they are all making this up as they go along.
thank you everyone for reading this post.